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Live Real Estate Principle



Real Estate Principle



Real Estate Principle

第一章: 不动产与动产
  1. 什么是不动产?
    What is Real Property ?
  2. 什么是动产?
    What is Personal Property ?
  3. 如何区分不动产与动产之间的差异性?
    How to separate the differences between Real Property and Personal Property ?
  4. 动产要如何改变成为不动产?
    How a Personal Property becomes Real Property ?
  5. 不动产上的土地测量方式有哪些?
    What are the measurement methods of land descriptions in Real Estate ?
第二章: 财产,转移与产权
  1. 什么是财产?
    What is an estate?
  2. 财产的种类有哪几种?
    What kind of estates are there?
  3. Freehold Estate 跟 Less-than-freehold estate的区别性在哪里?
    What are the differences between Freehold Estate and Less-than-freehold estate?
  4. 产权如何转让?
    How do we transfer properties?
  5. 产权的持有人型式有哪几种?
    What kind of ownerships are there?
  6. 什么是纪录? 什么是公证?
    What are recording and acknowledgment?
第三章: 产权负担
  1. 什么是产权负担?
    What is an encumbrance?
  2. 跟钱有关的产权负担有哪些?
    What kind of liens are there?
  3. 跟钱没有关的产权负担有哪些?
    What kind of Non-Money encumbrances are there?
  4. 如何使用Homestead Law来保护自住的家园?
    How do we use homestead to protect homeowners?
第四章: 经纪人与他们的责任
  1. 什么是经纪关系? Agent/broker的责任是什么?
    What is agency? What are the responsibilities of brokers (agents)?
  2. 卖房子所用的合约有哪些?
    What kind of listing agreements are there?
  3. 房地产业里, 有哪些说明与合约?
    What type of disclosures and agreements are in real estates?
  4. 如何终止与经纪人的关系?
    How to terminate agency relationships?
  5. Agent与Broker的房地产协会
    Associations for agents and brokers.
第五章: 合约
  1. 什么是合约?有哪些种合约?
    What is a contract? What kind of contracts are there?
  2. 合约的必要因素有哪些?
    What are the essential elements of a contract?
  3. 如何终止一个购买意愿书?
    How to terminate an offer?
  4. 当合约无法被履行时, 还有哪些解决方案?
    When a person cannot perform a contract, what are other options?
第六章: 房东与房客
  1. 什么是租赁?
    What is leasehold?
  2. 租约的必要条件有哪些?
    What are requirements of a lease?
  3. 如何终止租约?
    How to terminate a lease?
  4. 租约有哪几种形式?
    What Kind of leases are there?
第七章: 过户公司和产权保险
  1. 什么是公证/过户公司?
    What is an escrow?
  2. 有效的公证/过户需要什么?
    What are the requirement for a valid escrow?
  3. 公证/过户公司的责任是什么?
    What are the duties of an escrow company?
  4. 公证/过户公司的工作是什么?
    How does escrow works?
  5. 产权保险的种类有哪些?
    What kind of Title Insurance are there?
第八章: 房地产金融
  1. 房地产金融的基本观念是什么?
    What are the basic concepts of Real Estate Finance?
  2. 房地产金融重要的法规有哪些?
    What are some important clauses?
  3. 贷款有哪几种形式?
    What types of loans are there?
  4. 什么是Mortgage, Trust Deed, 跟Land Contract?
    What are mortgages, trust deeds and land contracts ?
第九章: 贷款机构
  1. 经济周期
    Economic Cycles
  2. 贷款的概念
    Concept of Loan
  3. 常规贷款
    Institutional Lender
  4. 私人贷款
    Non-Institutional Lenders
  5. 贷款相关资讯
    Other Information about Loan
第十章: 估价的基本和方法
  1. 估价过程
    Appraisal Process
  2. 施工及其他条款
    Construction and other terms
  3. 成本估价法的步骤与计算
    Steps in the cost approach
第十一章: 土地分割与政府的管控
  1. 公权力?
    Doctrine of police power
  2. 土地细分法?
    Subdivision laws
  3. 公开报告?
    Public Report
  4. 公共利益发展?
    Common interest development (CID)
  5. 环境法规?
    Environmental laws
  6. 规划委员?
    Planning commission
  7. 地目法规?
  8. 住房、建筑及健康标准法?
    Housing, building, and health laws
  9. 土地征用权?
    Eminent domain
  10. 公平住屋法?
    Fair housing laws
第十二章: 房地产税
  1. 地税有哪几种?
    What types of real property tax are there?
  2. 当你不付地税时,会发生什么事情?
    What happens if taxes are delinquent?
  3. 地税时间表?
    Property tax time table
  4. 其他关于地税的资讯?
    Other information about taxes



房产交易可能因条约上的一知半解而动辄官司兴讼,因此对买卖及租赁合约的了解是安全交易之基础,该课程收录了所有ZipForm房产买卖及租赁合约之中英文详解 (官方网站https://www.car.org),助您熟知该系统中所有合约与法律条文。这将是经纪人及对房产感兴趣人士之必学重点。


